Your Child's Day
Your child’s day at Blossom Tree Nursery will follow a predictable pattern of opportunities, however, play throughout the day is child led with staff supporting decisions and needs. We include a period of provocations and invitations to play which can lead to different activities; both indoors and outdoors.
7.30am - 8.30am .....................Welcome children, rolling breakfast.
10.00am - 10.30am ......................Rolling Snack and Circle time
11.30am - 12.30pm ..................... Lunch.
12.30pm - 14.00pm ......................Sleep / quiet time / books / stories
14.00pm - 14.30pm ...............……Rolling Snack
15.30pm - 16.00pm ......................Tea time
17.15pm- 18.00pm ........................Goodbyes
At Blossom Tree Nursery we follow a home from home routine reflecting general sleep and eating patterns, the routine enables each child to know what to expect and foster a sense of security.
The above routine is a guide to the typical day at Blossom Tree Nursery and can change when necessary
At Blossom Tree Nursery we follow a home from home routine reflecting general sleep patterns and information given by the parents on their stay and play.
Adult led and child led activities offered
Activities are planned by the children following their ideas, thoughts and
We show this with 'In the Moment Planning' toys and equipment are
appropriate for the child’s age and we provide varied sensory opportunities
and experiences both indoors and outdoors.
Sensory Play, Holistic & Heuristic Play, Soft Play, Music & Movement,
Role Play, Small World & Construction Toys, Dressing up, Art,
Gloop/Plaste, Sand & Water, Dough & Clay, Cars, Bikes & Trikes,
Painting, Drawing, Creative and Messy Play, Storytelling & Puppetry,
Wooden blocks, Cooking & Baking, Cleaning, Self-Care,
Letters and Numbers, Ball Pool, Outdoor Play, Forest School,
Growing Vegetables, Mud Kitchen, Circle Time.
These encourage curiosity, confidence, independence and self esteem.